Student Accounts partnered with Student Information Systems to automate the monthly disbursement of student collection letters. Previously we would have a monthly query ran by the Budget office and then over the course of a few days the Student accounts team would manually review the list to remove students who shouldn't get a notice and then send out the letters manually in batches through email. The criteria for this review was the same every month. Our Student Information Systems team took the original query, built in the criteria to automatically filter the student list appropriately and disburse the letters through Enroll & Pay. This process is completely automated now with the work these teams did together because they were willing to look at the process holistically and make it better.
Fellow Change Agents:
Deborah Rollf, Mandy Tucker, Angie Dopp, Justin Carroll, Dee Anna Rendall, and Kevin Kenn
Impact of idea:
$3,600 annually in efficiency savings