University Budget

The university’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Each September the university submits an annual budget request to the legislature. When the legislature convenes in January, the Governor makes his/her budgetary recommendations for the fiscal year beginning in July. Throughout the spring, the legislature debates various plans and funding needs and will approve two separate budgets: one for the Lawrence/Edwards campus and one for the Medical Center. Of key interest to the university are the amounts included in the appropriations bill for the University of Kansas, University of Kansas Medical Center, and the Kansas Board of Regents.

Throughout the year, the university prepares its recommended tuition rates for the upcoming academic year. These recommendations are taken to the Board of Regents for “first reading” in May and for final approval at the June board meeting.

With the expectation that tuition rates will be approved as proposed, each campus Budget Office works with the appropriate offices within the campus community to create a budget for the upcoming year.