Your Ideas Matter!

Our Success Depends on You
For our Jayhawks Elevate to thrive at the University of Kansas, we need you. Your ideas matter. Our goal is to support your ideas and then celebrate when they take flight. You deserve to be recognized.
Check out the pages below for inspiration or to simply find out what is changing around campus!
Jayhawks Elevate Success Stories

KU Experience Improvement Stories
These are examples of ideas implemented because of our fellow Jayhawks' suggestions.

KU Process Improvement Stories
Processes are improving all around us. Check out some of the already implemented ideas. Perhaps you might be on here next!

KU Spend Improvement Stories
You have the ability to help reduce KU's operational expenses. We have seen some great ideas. Check them out!
Jayhawks Elevate Milestone Projects
Some ideas are big enough to warrant a page all to themselves. This could be the result of one major improvement idea or multiple ideas submitted being combined into one project. Below you will find links to some of our biggest projects completed thus far.
Jayhawks Elevate Milestone Project Summaries
Check out some of our key improvement efforts below.
Pay in 30
Pay in 30 was one of the most complex Jayhawks Elevate projects we have supported. There were multiple subgroups assigned to improve various aspects of our payment processes.
Pay in 30 Project Summary
Watkins PO Invoice Automation
The Watkins PO project is evidence of what happens when we leverage our Procurement and Invoice payment tools well.
Watkins Project Summary
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