Melissa Stewart and Dana Goble noticed that new hires often struggled with financial systems because there wasn’t a consistent training process in place. Each supervisor handled training differently, which led to confusion, mistakes, and extra work for the Help Desk. A lot of the questions we were getting could have been answered in training if everyone had gone through the same program.
To fix this, the team decided to create a streamlined training program for new hires. The training is tailored to their job roles and is now offered every week instead of every two weeks. An email with quick tips and training resources is sent out to new users to make sure they know about the resources and encourage them to attend training sessions. We’re also working on refresher training to address system updates and common issues.
So far, the changes have made a big difference. New users are more prepared, the number of questions coming to the Help Desk has gone down, and 5 out of 6 new users have attended training. It’s been a great step toward making the system easier for everyone to use.
Fellow Change Agents: Hunter Rabe, Nolan Haire, Dawn Kilburn, Melissa Stewart, Colette Gillespie, Caitlin Wedel, Ramia Whitecotton
Impact of idea:
These changes will enhance the user experience, reducing the need for Help Desk interventions and saving valuable time and resources in the long run.