A statue of a bronze Jayhawk in front of a building on KU's campus.

Your Ideas Matter

Jayhawks Elevate is successful because of you. Your ideas make us better. Below are some examples of processes being improved by your peer's ideas. Check out changes being made. Perhaps you have an idea to submit too!

Redesign Rec Services Credit Card Deposits and Student Billing

Gabe Moreno and his team noticed how much time they spent on our old deposit process. They would print receipts, highlight cost centers and tax amounts before taping the receipts to a piece of paper and scan them to their email.  Each day they would then send all the information over to their SSC support, Katie Stone who had to use a combination of their documentation and Fusion sales system reporting to tie back to what was deposited in the bank. In addition to that reconciliation, Katie would manually enter all charges into Enroll & Pay for the activity to be billed to the students account.  They helped redesign the process to use monthly reporting from Fusion for credit card payments and reconcile the whole month at one time rather than daily to eliminate all the printing and scanning student hourly staff had to do each day.  The bill to account process now takes a monthly report and creates a file to automatically post in Enroll & Pay.  This will save about five hours every week for all the staff involved.

Fellow Change Agents:

Katie Stone, Craig Alexander

Impact of idea:

$7,000 annually in efficiency savings

Keyboard with From Paper to Digital for the enter key

Deposit Process Redesign

Accounting Services struggled in the past with departments turning in accurate deposit forms in a timely manner which led to manual follow ups and reconciliation delays. Wendy Reese and her team designed a process to automatically recognize revenue when deposits settle in our university bank account.  The revenue is recognized in each departments budget by using a default fund, cost center, and account. This change will eliminate delays in reconciliation of our cash accounts, reduce manual follow-ups and drive further efficiencies over time.  

Fellow Change Agents:

Wendy Reese, Erin Monaghan, Reggie Mitchell II, Stephanie Rasys, and Susan Desch

Impact of idea:

$20,000 in annual productivity savings

Blue KU notebook with pen on top next to laptop

Automate Collection Notice Emails

Student Accounts partnered with Student Information Systems to automate the monthly disbursement of student collection letters.  Previously we would have a monthly query ran by the Budget office and then over the course of a few days the Student accounts team would manually review the list to remove students who shouldn't get a notice and then send out the letters manually in batches through email.  The criteria for this review was the same every month.  Our Student Information Systems team took the original query, built in the criteria to automatically filter the student list appropriately and disburse the letters through Enroll & Pay.  This process is completely automated now with the work these teams did together because they were willing to look at the process holistically and make it better.

Fellow Change Agents:

Deborah Rollf, Mandy Tucker, Angie Dopp, Justin Carroll, Dee Anna Rendall, and Kevin Kenn

Impact of idea:

$3,600 annually in efficiency savings

Picture of top line with lots of curves and a question mark and bottom line is straight to a lightbulb

Potter Lake Project Input

Bonnie Johnson and other campus stakeholders wanted to support and provide feedback for the Potter Lake development project.  She held a charrette to come up with recommendations to offer to Facilities Planning and Development.  A number of these ideas were incorporated into the existing project where budget and goals would allow.

Fellow Change Agents:

Bob Hagan, Mark Reiske, Callie Long

Impact of idea:

The stronger our relationships of Faculty to operational support will help us leverage all areas of skills and expertise on campus.

View of Potter Lake from Campenile Hill

Need for Tracking IT Hardware

Joe Finan Jr had noticed during his time in Risk Management that KU did not have a robust process for tracking all of our hardware used on campus. When working with IT, they agreed with his assessment.  Currently IT is shifting to Team Dynamix to use their asset tracking tool to help correct this issue in the future.

Fellow Change Agents:

Tom Johnson, Jake Coffman

Impact of idea:

If we understand our hardware portfolio better we can manage their lifecycle and security risks more effectively.

picture of a digital cloud processing

See What Other Improvements are Being Made